We team Designer
and Home Owners

What Architects and Designers get

Architects and Designers

By registering on our platform you get cloud storage of catalogue, mobile app to browse and selected furniture. It helps you to become visible and makes it simple for home owners who are seeking designers, to visit your profile and select you throughout their process of search.

We help in making a team and this is the basic principle behind our idea of making you reside in our page.

Join as a Designer

Home Owners

With lncanto Homes you gain many benefits: from searching Italian furniture to finding the right Interior Designer or Architect to assign to your project, it is easy to create the home of your dreams. We connect globally so please check.

Select and speak directly to your designer with your furniture preselection, it is a very simple process from the beginning to the end.

At lncanto Homes we take care of your project so to start creating your new home.

Come and take a place in our website

We will create a place from where clients
can find you as Designer for them

You Get Access

to our catalogues,project samples,
project builder.

Get projects We will connect you to
projects seeking architects or interior Designers from
different parts of Globe

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